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mailani.gif (8668 bytes) Contact Setsuko & Todd

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b1.GIF (893 bytes)Home --- Setsuko's Website Home page
NEW NEW NEW - Setsuko's Comic Strip - Last added - November 30th, 1998.
--- 1.gif (1013 bytes) Setsuko's life in U.S.A. --- The introduction page to Setsuko's life in U.S.A.
-------- bh.gif (868 bytes) U.S.A. --- Funny things/episodes/happenings from various points of view in U.S.A..
-------- bh.gif (868 bytes) Japan --- Funny stories/custom/recent trends/tendencies in Japan.
-------- bh.gif (868 bytes)Setsuko's diary --- Monologue
-------- bh.gif (868 bytes)Pictures --- Easy to view because of thumbnails
-------- bh.gif (868 bytes)Short trip pictures --- Our weekend trip pictures
-------- bh.gif (868 bytes)Tweety & us (?) --- Tweety and us....? Setsuko's favorite page but NOT recommended because it's huge
-------- bh.gif (868 bytes)Todd's page --- Todd-chan!!!
-------- bh.gif (868 bytes)About us --- Profile
--- 2.gif (1013 bytes)Cute or strange things --- Animated gifs/cute things/useless stuff and more coming....
--- 3.gif (1013 bytes)Setsuko's Japanese language lesson --- Just started! .....maybe (?) useful for non-Japanese people
--- 1.gif (1013 bytes)Wallpapers --- Free webart for your desktop or web.  Lots of cute wallpapers and interesting animated wallpapers!!