Cult of Todd's Head Type 1

Cult of Todd's Head Type 2
How to join the Cult of Todd's (COT) Head

Should I be worried that my wife likes to animate my disembodied head?
Perhaps. But perhaps I'm a bit flattered.
At least she didn't animate someone else's head.



Yes that was Setsuko (w/Todd) at the Sands Expo Center on Monday afternoon (11/16/98) at COMDEX! For those that missed her, she was simply stunning in a beautiful white wedding gown, complete with veil (and garter!). Todd wasn't too bad in his Tuxedo. Thanks to everyone at COMDEX who clapped as we walked the exhibition aisles. Special thanks to the guy at the Dynamic Technology International Limited booth who gave us some nice presents. We hope the pictures turn out ok.

Take a second and look at my talented wife Setsuko's hand-drawn animation and this one too. She drew the pictures herself by hand, scanned them into Photoshop and finished them up there. Amazing, isn't it? She is getting very good at this web development thing. Perhaps soon she could do a website for an upcoming movie or something... ne. Her rates would be VERY competitive to other people doing movie websites for big movie companies. No movie company in particular. Hmmm... <g>


toddhead.jpg (49338 bytes)                    Toddface_ani.gif (76353 bytes)


Have a nice day.
